Install a Sonihull system and enjoy a boat without barnacles!
Ultrasonic antifouling systems
Sonihull ECO is the latest range of ultrasonic anti-fouling systems from the eco-technology pioneer Sonihull. Since 2006, Sonihull has been developing industry-leading ultrasound technology that safely prevents unwanted barnacles and mollusks from colonizing hard surfaces. Pragati Yacht is the official distributor of Sonihull in Florida.

Traditional anti-fouling systems, such as surface paints, rely on the release of toxic chemicals and microplastics into the ocean. SONIHULL is based on the physics of ultrasound to keep marine fouling away from your vessel. You can protect your hull or you can choose to protect keels, rudders, IPS drives, outboard motors, water jets, propellers, keel coolers, saltwater pipes, and cooling water inlets. From small boats to complex super yachts.
Sonihull works on Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Fiber Glass, Carbon Fiber and Rigid Plastics.
- Without cleaning hard-to-reach areas, extended maintenance intervals, less downtime, and reduced operating costs.
- It can extend the life of your paint, no more scraping, just gently clean your hull or pressure wash and reduce your dive inspection by up to 25% (every 3-4 months).
- The system is transferable from boat to boat.
- Inaudible for humans and marine life without interference with sonar and electronic equipment.
- Lower fuel consumption: clean hull, propellers, and rudders can reduce fuel consumption by up to 30%.
- It can save up to 95% of capital and MRO costs compared to impressed current antifouling systems.
- Compatible with RS232/RS422 communication interface and Modbus for remote control with critical path fault monitoring.

PRAGATI YACHT has specialized in ultrasonic system installation, with 5 years of experience. Contact us to request our installation services!
We have installed Ultrasonic Anti-Fouling Systems on the following brands:

About the system:
- It can be installed in the water, without the need to haul the boat out.
- Each transducer covers 32' circumference. Each one uses 0.3 Amp, can use 110, 220 VAC as primary or 12-24 VDC as secondary or either one.
- The box is smart, so it will automatically select the available power source.
- High-quality components that will provide you with years of service with maximum performance.
- The system is transferable from boat to boat.
- This system works on steel, aluminum, stainless steel, titanium, fiberglass, and rigid plastics.
- Silicone - based coatings are known to dampen up to 40% - 50% of ultrasonic signals and will reduce system effectiveness
How does it work?
Once the transducers are installed, they will start emitting ultrasonic waves, creating non-inertial cavitation at a microscopic level that will resonate throughout the outer layer of your hull, preventing barnacles from attaching to it. These ultrasonic waves are not audible to human, fish and marine mammals.
By increasing and decreasing pressure, Sonihull prevents barnacles from adhering to the hull.

Microscopic bubbles are created as the pressure decreases and implode as the pressure increases.

zero poisonous environmental legacy
Unlike anti-fouling paints, Sonihull ECO provides effective control of biofouling without biocides or microplastics. It is low-cost, low-maintenance, and has no poisonous environmental legacy.

It protects inside and out.
Larger marine vessels can be protected, as the system can be installed underwater. Additionally, the system is compatible with a variety of common materials in the naval industry, such as steel, aluminum, stainless steel, titanium, fiberglass, and rigid plastics, making it suitable for a wide range of vessels and applications.

Complete Range of Solutions
From small vessels to complex superyachts. From hulls to awkward pipes: Sonihull ECO has systems to protect any surface from unwanted biofouling.
Where to start?
- You will need to provide as much information as possible about your boat, including general schematics, manuals, and information about the construction of your hull.
- Pragati Yacht's engineering department will analyze the schematics and develop the installation plan according to the boat's location.
- If you are local, we can provide you with installation service, carried out by a marine engineer with extensive experience working on Mega Yachts as a chief engineer. We will guarantee the installation of the system and monitor the effectiveness of the system.
- If you are not local, we can travel to perform the installation wherever your boat is located, charging for the mobilization service.
- We can also provide a step-by-step installation manual to a competent person or company and provide virtual support via video call and emails. We are not responsible for installations carried out by a company other than Pragati Yacht.
For more information, download the brochure here:

Contact us
1 (805) 459-3568
Boca Raton, Florida. Mobile Services
Call us
1 (561) 568-3343
Schedule: Mon – Fri 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. / Sat 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Request quote.
Keep your yacht free from Barnacles with our Ultrasonic Anti-Fouling Systems!